Hey! I’m Aslam Hafizuddin

I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember, and wrote my first program when I was in high school. I’ve been hooked ever since.

I remember back in 2012, when people were still using Blackberries, and in that year free internet using SSH was also trending. So I tried to create an application using Delphi 7, which would allow people to access the internet for free using that application.

Since then, I learned about programming, and I decided to become a Full Stack Developer. Now, I work as a Full Stack Developer at a company in the IT sector.

I’m passionate about building delightful experiences for the web and mobile. I love to learn new things and I’m always looking for opportunities to grow and improve myself.

I’m also an amateur trekker. I love to explore the mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature. I have climbed several mountains in Indonesia and I also have a dream to climb Mount Rinjani and Mount Semeru. I hope I can achieve that dream soon.