Things I’ve worked on over the years

I’ve worked on tons of projects over the years and mostly in private. but these are the ones I can share of. One of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

  • Alfamind

    Alfamind is an e-commerce platform that provides a wide range of products, from groceries to electronics.

  • E-Livestock

    E-Livestock is a platform that farmers can use to manage their livestock and connect with buyers. It also provides real-time data on the health and location of the animals.

  • Dapur Kita

    Dapur Kita is a recipe-sharing platform that allows users to discover and share their favorite recipes.

  • GMap Marker

    GMap Marker is a code snippet that allows you to add a customer marker to a Google Map.

  • LaraVue

    LaraVue is a Laravel and Vue.js starter template that allows you to quickly build web applications.